Today's plan is certainly failed. The rain wasn't stop flooding the city. Being ready since morning make me and his (my husband) family waiting in vain. We canceled the "nyekar" ritual for this day and replaced by family's lunch and shopping.
Before me and my husband joined the trip, the cousin had told us that her daughter had been taken to the hospital, via bbm. She needs to be operated immediately, and she needs my husband to be at the hospital.

Arrived at the hospital, we're waiting the obstetrician to visit. We need the explanation about the action going to be obtained. My niece seemed fine, she smiled and told us a story until the obstetrician come and tell us her condition.
The point was, he thought, the gestation should not be prolonged. The fetus outside the uterus should be carried out immediately otherwise it will grow bigger and become rupture causing bleeding. Our question was, how about the other baby's inside the uterus?
The obstetrician give us 2 choices,
1. We can choose laparoscopy, BUT, the risk is about the anesthesia drug that will be used during the surgery where might be affect the fetus's growth leading to abortion or baby's blemish.
"Laparoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery (MIS), bandaid surgery, keyhole surgery is a modern surgical technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through small incisions (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) as compared to larger incisions needed in traditional surgical procedures." source: wikipedia
2. We can use the MTX (metotrexate) drugs injection for 5 days, BUT, the other fetus won't be alive.
"Methotrexate is commonly used (generally in combination with misoprostol) to terminate
pregnanciesabortifacient). It is also used to treat ectopic pregnancies.[7] In the case of early missed miscarriage (particularly a blighted ovum), in which fetal demise has occurred but the body has not expelled the fetus, methotrexate may be used to help the body begin the miscarriage process. during the early stages (i.e. as an " source: wikipedia
Either my niece, her husband, her mom and us were upset to hear that two options. Seems that the risks from the two options couldn't be worse. Until now they are still on their deepest consideration. All can we do is just hoping for the best.
At our pray we believe, if we just worth enough to be given such a bless, then we'll be.
(the article should be posted on Monday, 13th Sept 2010, but the network was f***ed up)
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